Sunday 1 July 2012

Planting the leaf

Planting a Leaf

 The above leaf has fallen off the plant and i was shocked by how many roots were attached to that leaf, i put the leaf into a cup of water for a few days and the roots have grown more. I planted the leaf deep down in soil and will be posting pictures of its progress

Playing with Nature

About a year ago my friend put two cuttings in a cup for me to take to my home and plant once they had started to root. Being forgetful i left them there for months , when i was made homeless and moved into a hostel i took the cuttings with me as i had very little. By this time the cuttings were as good as dead but the roots were very strong and tangled. I took the roots and half dead plants home and planted them.The cuttings were a Busy Lizzie and a Money plant.The plant strived and started out growing as a very tall stem that became to tall so i had to out a stick in the pot to keep it upright.To my own amazement the plant just went from strength to strength and grew so strong.I have drawn alot of personal strength from this plant. Her leaves are the shape of the Busy Lizzy but the thickness of the leaves and the stem are like the money plant.I have taken cuttings and passed them out and they are growing even stronger. I have never seen such as plant in all my life.I want to name it but dont know what .and i wonder if it has any useful qualities, apart from it making those who have a cut ofr it feel strong, the plant to me will always be special as it has grown with me from a point where we were both very weak and lifeless.....has anyone got any suggestions of what to do with it , can it be officially named, and is it commen to be able to do this, cos right now i feel pretty clever lol even thoiugh it was a fluke ....Help, dont want to keep this to myself lol

I added the above post about my plant onto a gardeners website to see what was said about it and here was one of the replies..

First of all, congratulations on being strong and hopeful in the most difficult of times. Not many people could do that. Your sturdy little plant is not an Impatiens (busy lizzie) or Jade (often called money plant) . I believe it to be a Kalanchoe, a favorite flowering houseplant. I'm not totally sure of that; it's a bit difficult to tell from the pictures.
Kalanchoe have thick, succulent leaves like the Jade plant....and they are shaped somewhat like those of Impatiens. But those two plants cannot combine to form a new species. What you've managed to do is keep alive a plant that most people throw away when they are done flowering. That's a nice accomplishment.
My other thought was that it could be a Swedish Ivy. They used to be very common hanging baskets but have become rather rare these days. I don't know why, they make a terrific, long lasting houseplant.

To which i replied ..

I dont see how that is possible , since neither of us have owned one of them plants , it was created in the manner i say it was, i am also in the process of doing the same thing again but in a more structured way, this morning i have cut two stems from the same two said plants that have been in a cup with their roots merged together for the last three weeks, i have cut sthe merged roots together in a pot and covered them with soil lets see what happens this time....Dont see how you can say it is the plant you say it is when we didnt have one of those....but lets see what there an explanation as to how we could grow a plant that neither of us owned ?

It is the second time this has been suggested to me , but concidering myself or my friend owned the plant they are saying it is.....I am mot having it that it cannot be done so i am setting out to hopefully prove it can , the method is not the same as the two clippings i am using which are of the same plant , have only been in a cup together for a number of weeks not months..

I have decided to keep a journal here of its progress and the steps i have followed...

 1st July 2012

 These two cuttings that i have had in the plastic cup together for the last three weeks, the roots were merged , but this time the plants still semi healthy rather than half dead. I chopped off the roots  and the picture above is the two roots being put together for the second time, when they merge i will do the below process again

These are the joined roots of the above plants "Money Plant" and "Busy Lizzy"

The roots are placed together in a pot and covered with soil....All we have to do now is sit back and watch what unfolds...I will take weekly pics once something starts to emerge , and will post a pic on the day the roots frist pop through.

WATCH THIS SPACE..............X